Sunday, 30 May 2010

Courtyard gardens at Chelsea

What a wonderful day my friend Jenny and I had at the Chelsea flower show. My sister was coming but it clashed with her holiday so Jenny was delighted to come she had never been before and always wanted to. She has a great knowledge of plants and is so keen to learn the names of ones she hasn't got. This first garden was one of our favorite's there was some lovely flowers. All the gardens can be found on the BBC web site.

The global stone bee friendly plants garden
won a silver

I thought this planting in the containers was a good idea and after these plants have finished they could be replaced with fresh ones.
Christian before Dior

Music on the Moors
Gold and best courtyard garden

The Pine and Conifer enthusiast garden
silver gilt

Lights and colours of the alps


  1. That looks like tons of fun. I've always wanted to head over to the Chelsea Flower Show...!

  2. Nice effort, very informative, this will help me to complete my task.
    France flower
