Sunday 24 December 2006


This post is just to thank you all for leaving comments about Vick’s arrangements. Most of you know that UKBob, her husband is updating this blog for her at the moment as its not going to be viewed by Vicki until December 25th which is why she hasn’t replied to any of your comments or anything. I’m sure though come the unveiling she will read all your comments and take great pleasure from what you have to say. I hope to post more pics before Christmas, I’m just having trouble getting her to tell me which are her works without arousing suspicion as to why I’m so interested, I don’t want to go and post the work of someone else in her name. So please keep visiting and thank you once again for your interest.


Sunday 17 December 2006

Sitting Room Mantle Arrangement.

Here are some pics of what I've done about the mantle in the sitting room.
A close up of the left corner.

A close up of the right corner.

Thursday 14 December 2006

Sunday 10 December 2006

Christmas Arrangements.

Today I've been across in my shed making wreaths and other Christmas arrangements for people in the village, here are a couple of examples.

November Workshop.

A little something I did at a workshop in November.

Wednesday 8 November 2006

Arrangements From The Shop.

The pictures below are of a few things Vicki has made at the florists where she works.

Saturday 28 October 2006

Haddon Hall Exhibit '06

Today I'm going to show you some pics of an exhibit Vicki did for the flower festival at Haddon Hall last summer. The first picture is the exhibit as a whole and then the rest of the pics are of individual parts of the exhibit.