Monday 13 August 2007

Bakewell Show '07.

Here are Vicki's entries for Bakewell Show in 2007. In the first picture you will see what she did with the Chair David made for her. It couldn't really be used as a chair, its just what they call the mechanics of the arrangement.
This is in the style of a handbag or purse if you're from the USA. Its made from different plant material.

This arrangement was a suspended exhibit, if you look closely you can see the wires. The title for this class being Swingtime.

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Workshop for 12th March.

The arrangement I did at last nights workshop.

Tuesday 2 January 2007

Thank You All So Much For The Lovely Surprise.

What a lovely surprise and I had no idea what so ever. Even when Robert (Bob) asked me to sort out the photos I had no idea why, I guess if I hadn’t been so busy at work and decorating the house for Christmas making wreaths mince pies and Christmas cakes as well as the normal house work I would have had time to think why he was showing so much interest.

Thank you all for the comments I hope my posts can give you all some inspiration, I’m afraid I could bore you silly with all the photos I have. I have such a passion for flowers and art I forget not everyone else has. Robert doesn’t always see my interpretation of a title for a competitions as I try to be a bit different and contemporary. Some times I win, it depends on the judge but if I don’t win I don’t mind as it has given me the chance to do something I like to do and would not have had the opportunity otherwise. Working in the shop has given me more of an insight to what people want, for instance, last week I did a lovely wedding, but forgot the camera as usual. My New Years resolution is to take my camera around with me. It’s a small shop in what was once a mining village it has old fashion ways but with a younger generation moving in a more modern approach is needed but to stay in business you have to do what the people want, it’s a bonus when somebody wants something different. I hope you will keep on visiting my blog now its written by me instead of Robert, I will try and post more pics of things I do and I can give more details as to how they are done than Robert could.